Reddy in the ‘Gallery of Regrettable Food 3.0’

James Lileks’ “Gallery of Regrettable Food” is an internet classic. Even Reddy cannot escape a skewering: Reddy Kilowatt heralding the all-electric, post-war Kitchen of Death.

Isn’t he cute? the women seem to be saying. (The one on the left seems particularly enchanted.) They do not realize, of course, that one touch of Reddy means instant, smoking, sparky death. Yet they follow, for he has wonders to show them — as we shall see.


  1. M. Bradford

    My father worked for Mississippi Power and Light for 37 years. He was proud of his job and company. James Lileks’ “Gallery of Regrettable Foods” is horrible. It is a sorry way to incorporate Reddy who is a positive icon into something negative.

  2. Ken Berg

    The comment by James Lileks that Bill posted only illustrates Lileks’ ignorance and cynicism, sneering as he does over this familiar and ganerally well-liked 20th century icon.

    Most probably Lileks does not recall life before electricity; he obviously has not bothered reading anything about that time, that he might learn something and gain some perspective. I am also too young to recall the pre-electric days, but having been raised in South Dakota, my parents remembered those days and relayed that information to all of us kids. Mom recalled how thrilled farm families were when the line crews began running high tension wires in their county, and eventually houshold electric services. The women were especially thrilled because electricity made their lives so much better – not only “easier” but better. Of course they understood the hazards associeted with their new “electric servant”; indeed power companies made a conscientious and effective effort to educate the public about safety and electricicty.

    I do wish the sneering types like Lileks would try learn something about a subject before they reflexively jump to deride it.