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Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma
Rudy Charisma

Rudy Charisma

All the other music projects were just a prelude to becoming the untalented, atonal, rhythmically challenged, uber-repetitive Rudy Charisma.

From The Belts to Rare White Squirrel to Desk Eater Convention to Canoe Tragedies… it all led here. Wherever and whatever that is, I’m still not sure. The best description seems to be to simply call the music ‘Vamp Brut’, a semi-music sub-genre invented by Rudy that does not require much musical skill, or even proper instruments. Overall, Rudy recorded more than 250 songs from 1995-1997, then abruptly quit.

Anyway, Botulism Music re-released Rudy’s 1995 solo debut last week. It was called Main Street Ultranight and it is no easier on the ears than any of his previous home recording abominations. Enjoy!

Almost complete Rudy Charisma discography:

  • Main Street Ultranight
  • Cool Circus
  • Revisionist Torture Theories
  • Of the Vibe of the Church of the Loop
  • Belt Avenue LP
  • Analog Hijack
  • In One Ear and Out Your Mother
  • Unreleasified MMIV
  • Go, Criminal, Go: The Best of Rudy Charisma compilation
  • The Smogbottom Demos
  • Botulostism

The Athens Years:

  • The Belts: maximumbelts.
  • Rare White Squirrel: Hey Hey Hey and Hey
  • Rare White Squirrel: Duck Hunt, Duck Stab
  • Rare White Squirrel: Russell’s Viper
  • Rare White Squirrel: Songs that Suck Pretty Bad
  • Rare White Squirrel: The Salubrious Return of…
  • Canoe Tragedies: Album
  • Canoe Tragedies: Tragedy at Moonville EP

Collaborations & compilations:

  • Desk Eater Convention: S/T (with Andy Conrad)
  • Napolean Solo and the Others: The Bipolar Express (with Adam Liber)
  • Reddy Killsalot: The RPM Covers Project, Vol. 1 (with various)

I’ll add more info here as more old cassettes get re-released. If I can remember any other info.

Rudy photos by Katy Hernandez and Jackie Pelletier.

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