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I don’t really use the blog section so much. Most of my posts here are projects and they’re all listed on the home page, in order of most recent.


I spoke at TEDxVienna 2022 on how to find attention, mindfulness, and creativity in the everyday.


I have an occasional newsletter that you can sign up for and, also occasionally, win things. Go for it.
#dailyabstraction 2015
#dailyabstraction 2015
#dailyabstraction 2015
#dailyabstraction 2015
#dailyabstraction 2015
#dailyabstraction 2015

#dailyabstraction 2015

I shot an abstract photo of sidewalk ice on a New Year’s Day walk and suddenly realized I wanted a little direction in my Instagram posts. So I tagged it #dailyabstraction and decided to only post one abstract image a day for the month.

The captions are flipped so it’s just a little harder to read them—hopefully allowing you to dive into the picture before you know what it is.

I’ll probably try to theme out each month and do the same thing with other topics or challenges. But we’ll see.

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