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Relaxation Roulette

Relaxation Roulette

Do you crave a nap, but also anxiety and terror?

Are you feeling stressed, but also feeling brave?

Do you have insomnia, but also a certain recklessness?

Then you are ready to gamble in a game of Relaxation Roulette. It’s like Russian Roulette, but it’ll only scare you half to death.

Imagine a collection of calming white noise audio files… they help to block out the sounds of the world… they enable you to relax…

Or do they?

This is a set of 20 identical audio files. Well, nearly identical. A couple of them have either a horrifying shriek, sirens, or some other less-than-relaxing sound embedded at some point in the hour-long file. You don’t know where. You just download the files, make a playlist and set it to shuffle, then start relaxing… wondering if the file being played is going to play you.

Set the track to loop if you want to flip a coin on your night’s sleep.

This is called Relaxation Roulette.

Download the files here (sorry, it’s 1.5GB): Relaxation Roulette.

Original white noise audio files shared by meteli on; original SFX files from SoundBible.

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