• There was an error grabbing the Twitter feed


I don’t really use the blog section so much. Most of my posts here are projects and they’re all listed on the home page, in order of most recent.


I spoke at TEDxVienna 2022 on how to find attention, mindfulness, and creativity in the everyday.


I have an occasional newsletter that you can sign up for and, also occasionally, win things. Go for it.

An about page

I finally added an expandable about page and got rid of the “About’ text file. Here’s what you need to know about me and my web site:

This web site is a collection of visual indiscretions. It serves no purpose and despite what you may think, it does not waste a lot of my time — just yours. Here’s a full site index.

I like photography, design, music, adventure, the WWW, bowling, books, bikes and collecting things. It could be argued that I am only good at collecting things, but the others are a lot of fun too.

I like to get mail. If you want to say hi, please feel free. I might write back.

This post was published retroactively in 2012 from previously posted sources.

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